Images about Brain Cancer from the late Jeffery Shagawat - Gurney
AAOS emotions at Chicago Cultural Center
Liz Atkin, Skin Picking/OCD
Alexi Brock - Heart art at USC
Through his work over a 5 year period as Artist-in-Residence at UCLA's Geffen School of Medicine and 3 years at USC Keck School of Medicine Ted has developed a diverse collection of art shows about medical conditions that are available as traveling exhibitions.
Ted also specializes in developing customized shows of artwork involving patients, caregivers, families, medical practitioners and researchers in order to create unique bodies of original artwork that speak to issues of health and healing. He can also help schools and organizations develop their own medical art gallery or Artist in Residence programs.
Available shows by patient/artist by subject:
Adults with Developmental Disabilities ALS Alzheimers Back Pain Body Image Breast Cancer Cancer (general) Crohn's Disease/GI illness CVID Cystic Fibrosis Facial Blindness Gaucher Disease (LSD Illnesses) Germs Heart Disease Lupus MS Migraine PAIN Scars and body image Skin picking and OCD Visual Perception