Book the Show
“Scarred for Life” is available for travel to your location. The exhibition consists of over 60 framed scar prints, matching signage with photographs and narrative texts, and up to six “Structural Abnormalities” paintings. The exhibition is very flexible and can fit into both small and large exhibition spaces.Promo cards, catalog and ad templates are provided.The exhibition has been well received by the press, covered in the New York Times, Washington Post, USA Today and many local papers.
Ted is available to travel to speak exhibition openings or events, or give a lecture and demonstration for your group or class. “Scarred for Life” gets a tremendous response from everyone who experiences it. Ted has received countless letters and emails from viewers with their own stories about their scars and health experiences. Many people find the exhibition cathartic, and are thrilled to share in so many stories of survival, often offering to let Ted print their scar for his collection. "Scarred for Life" has been exhibited at The Science Museum, Dublin, National Museum of Health and Medicine, United Nations, Museum of Art and Culture, Brevard Museum of Art, NYU, UCLA, and more. Read about SFL show in Virginia • Read about SFL show in DC in the NY Times |
Scarred for Life at Mesa College, San Diego
National Museum of Health and Medicine in Washington, DC. 2006
Scarred for Life in Athens,Greece
Ted lectures to art students at Sierra College
Scarred for Life at MorYork Gallery
Scarred for Life at UCLA SCi-Art Gallery